Ranking Criteria
This list presents what I consider the best sci-fi books of all time. The criteria for making it on this list includes the following:
How influential is this book?
Is the book fun to read?
Does the book deal with an important theme or concept?
That is to say, these are the best SF reads I enjoyed the most and that I think others should read given their importance, commentary on society and technology, and enjoyability. In short, I'm following Horace's maxim that literature should instruct and delight.
How influential is this book?
Is the book fun to read?
Does the book deal with an important theme or concept?
That is to say, these are the best SF reads I enjoyed the most and that I think others should read given their importance, commentary on society and technology, and enjoyability. In short, I'm following Horace's maxim that literature should instruct and delight.
One might argue that some of the books on here are not sci-fi, including my #13 pick, Thomas Pynchon's Vineland. But here is why I disagree. Pynchon writes about shifting identities as a result of social, political, and economic realities. Ursula K. Le Guin calls this kind of science fiction social science fiction. Social science fiction is tantamount to speculative fiction. In my opinion, science fiction focusing on social commentary is the most fun to read and the most rewarding.
Literary Sci-Fi & Hard SF
That is not to say that books dealing with hard science don't make my list. The works of the hard sf greats take up a lot of space here: Arthur C. Clarke, Carl Sagan, Kim Stanley Robinson, Larry Niven, Alastair Reynolds, and several others. But my academic training, primarily in English Literature, skews my fictional enjoyment to the literary.
Influential & Seminal SF
Some books and authors have to find their way onto top 100 lists. When particular authors influenced every other author in the genre, it's a mistake to not include them on the list. That's why this list has Verne, Wells, and Van Vogt. The list is missing Nnedi Okorafor, Nalo Hopkinson, and only has one book by Samuel Delany. I considered Einstein Intersection, Nova, and Dhalgren. Make a case for adding one of those books in and what book should come out! Because my plan is for this list to evolve over time.
So, I would appreciate if you'd email me about books that you would like to see removed from and added to the list, remembering that recommended books should be enjoyable. I'm not looking for beach-read page-turners; rather, a book that makes this top 100 Sci-Fi Books list should inspire awe, read well, and deal with an important theme that fits somewhere into the purview of speculative fiction.
As an example, after reading Philip K. Dick's Ubik, I switched it out for We Can Build You, a lesser Dick novel with many of the same themes as Ubik.
I might add that when I say book here, I really mean novel. Otherwise, I'd include the best sci fi books of short stories and novellas like William Gibson's Burning Chrome and Cory Doctorow's Radicalized.
If you're a completist, consider comparing this list to the top 100 sf books on the Sci-Fi Lists page, a page that has greatly influenced my own reading. I found the sci-fi lists page in 2009 and read straight through the list but haven’t always agreed with the choice of some of the books there or the position. Thus, I’ve made a new list. Here we go!
Top 100 Science Fiction Novels List

1. Contact – Carl Sagan
Contacting extraterrestrials was lifework for Sagan, but this novel shows the importance
of making contact with our fellow humans. Indeed, our quality of life is measured by the quality of our relationships, and not just relationships to space aliens.

Contacting extraterrestrials was lifework for Sagan, but this novel shows the importance
of making contact with our fellow humans. Indeed, our quality of life is measured by the quality of our relationships, and not just relationships to space aliens.

2. A Scanner Darkly – Philip K. Dick
The title is taken from a biblical quotation: For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully. In Dickian fashion, this mirror only reflects darkness, whether the darkness of corporate greed or the darkness of drug addiction or the darkness of the human soul.

The title is taken from a biblical quotation: For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully. In Dickian fashion, this mirror only reflects darkness, whether the darkness of corporate greed or the darkness of drug addiction or the darkness of the human soul.

3. Snow Crash – Neal Stephenson
A lovesong to cyberpunk, Hiro Protagonist is the best swordfighter in the world and in cyberspace, and to protect both of those worlds, he'll have to use his chops. His sword is never described as pink.

A lovesong to cyberpunk, Hiro Protagonist is the best swordfighter in the world and in cyberspace, and to protect both of those worlds, he'll have to use his chops. His sword is never described as pink.

4. The Island of Doctor Moreau – H.G. Wells
The rule of the men beasts is not to go on all-fours, but even humans can't abide by the rule. Wells' thoughts on evolution are at play here. What are we really? How far removed are we from the lower species? What would it take for us to revert (if we haven't already)?

The rule of the men beasts is not to go on all-fours, but even humans can't abide by the rule. Wells' thoughts on evolution are at play here. What are we really? How far removed are we from the lower species? What would it take for us to revert (if we haven't already)?

5. Neuromancer – William Gibson
A neon-lit novel of poetic, head-spinning future-making jujitsu. Gibson wrote a new romance to replace the staid science fiction of the day, a genre dominated by names popularized in the '50s and '60s. While this wasn't the first cyberpunk fiction, it remains the greatest. Keep the headphones plugged in just in Case you flatline.

A neon-lit novel of poetic, head-spinning future-making jujitsu. Gibson wrote a new romance to replace the staid science fiction of the day, a genre dominated by names popularized in the '50s and '60s. While this wasn't the first cyberpunk fiction, it remains the greatest. Keep the headphones plugged in just in Case you flatline.

6. The Time Machine – H.G. Wells
This cover is dumb, but I had this copy as a kid so I appreciate it because of nostalgia (nostalgia makes everything better). The time traveler finds a world that is eerily a reflection of his own world. Does the time traveler recognize that reflection? Did any of Wells' 19th-century readership to which he was appealing realize that he was showing them the injustice of their day?
This cover is dumb, but I had this copy as a kid so I appreciate it because of nostalgia (nostalgia makes everything better). The time traveler finds a world that is eerily a reflection of his own world. Does the time traveler recognize that reflection? Did any of Wells' 19th-century readership to which he was appealing realize that he was showing them the injustice of their day?
This book was written fast. But that doesn't mean we should ban or burn it! It's not a classic because it was written fast. It's a classic because it deals with media transference. When a culture transitions from one dominant media type to the next, it always comes with the fear that intellectual activity will slow down or halt. Plus, the book presents party ideology masked as televised entertainment. Fox (Faux) News anyone?

8. Altered Carbon – Richard K. Morgan
The book is better than the TV series. Always, right? Kovacs deals with psychological trauma, remembering past deaths, past bodies he's inhabited, past lovers he'll never meet again.
The book is better than the TV series. Always, right? Kovacs deals with psychological trauma, remembering past deaths, past bodies he's inhabited, past lovers he'll never meet again.
Consider Phlebas – Iain Banks
Banks is a top-tier genre writer, a master of the page turner. He knows how to make the character want something, even, like Vonnegut says, if it's just a glass of water. But it's never merely a glass of water with Banks, it's power, it's wealth, it's living past the laser fight, taking over a ship with cunning.

10. Dr. Adder - K.W. Jeter
Could be called Dr. R-Rated, but it's a singular work of genius. Dr. Adder prefigures
cyberpunk by nearly a decade but operates with its tropes: prosthetic as power relic, defend information in cyberspace, information is power, the guide is a femme fatale. Tune in to K.C.I.D!

Could be called Dr. R-Rated, but it's a singular work of genius. Dr. Adder prefigures
cyberpunk by nearly a decade but operates with its tropes: prosthetic as power relic, defend information in cyberspace, information is power, the guide is a femme fatale. Tune in to K.C.I.D!

11. 2001: A Space Odyssey – Arthur C. Clarke
Humans have long been on an evolutionary course. Clarke starts us with the apes, takes us to the moon, and then to the stars! And one day, yes, we can only hope, perhaps we will play among the stars.

Humans have long been on an evolutionary course. Clarke starts us with the apes, takes us to the moon, and then to the stars! And one day, yes, we can only hope, perhaps we will play among the stars.

12. The Forever War – John Haldeman
Spoiler alert: the Forever War is the Vietnam Conflict. I heard Joe Haldeman say so at a convention in 2017. He served in the war, poor guy. If, as you read, you get a strong sense of trauma, you're reading it right. It's in earnest.

Spoiler alert: the Forever War is the Vietnam Conflict. I heard Joe Haldeman say so at a convention in 2017. He served in the war, poor guy. If, as you read, you get a strong sense of trauma, you're reading it right. It's in earnest.

13. Vineland - Thomas Pynchon
This book is a perfect send-up of America's free love hangover. A hippy avoids shakedowns decades after the psychedelic era has ended.

This book is a perfect send-up of America's free love hangover. A hippy avoids shakedowns decades after the psychedelic era has ended.
14. Gateway – Frederic Pohl
Pilot an alien ship at your own risk! The potential payoff is unlimited! Maybe you'll find priceless artifacts! Maybe you'll starve to death! Maybe you'll burn out in a supernova! In your off-time, hit the slots, drink yourself into oblivion, and mate like there's no tomorrow. The gateway, of course, is capitalism and desire. The other side of the gate is death and longing.

Pilot an alien ship at your own risk! The potential payoff is unlimited! Maybe you'll find priceless artifacts! Maybe you'll starve to death! Maybe you'll burn out in a supernova! In your off-time, hit the slots, drink yourself into oblivion, and mate like there's no tomorrow. The gateway, of course, is capitalism and desire. The other side of the gate is death and longing.

15. The Lathe of Heaven – Ursula K. Le Guin
Effective dreamers can alter reality by dreaming. Can an effective dreamer harness this power for good?

Effective dreamers can alter reality by dreaming. Can an effective dreamer harness this power for good?

16. Solaris – Stanislaw Lem
The world of Solaris is an intelligent world. Humans can't figure it out. Can Solaris figure out humans?

The world of Solaris is an intelligent world. Humans can't figure it out. Can Solaris figure out humans?

17. Distraction – Bruce Sterling
This is basically a book about disinformation campaigns and fake news released decades before such things were possible or problematic.

This is basically a book about disinformation campaigns and fake news released decades before such things were possible or problematic.

18. The Space Merchants – Frederic Pohl & Cyril Kornbluth
Corporations market their products to specific segments of the population. Sometimes they make the product addictive. You don't want to get on the bad side of corporations.

Corporations market their products to specific segments of the population. Sometimes they make the product addictive. You don't want to get on the bad side of corporations.

19. Ender’s Game - Orson Scott Card
A child genius is recruited to fight an alien horde. Aliens read as non-heterosexually oriented humans.

A child genius is recruited to fight an alien horde. Aliens read as non-heterosexually oriented humans.
20. White Noise – Don Delillo
A deadly gas threatens middle America's status quo. Are we free to take on whatever identity we want? Or is freedom an illusion?

A deadly gas threatens middle America's status quo. Are we free to take on whatever identity we want? Or is freedom an illusion?

21. 1984 - George Orwell
We're all rats in Big Brother's cage. He's watching everyone. The consequences of resisting conformity are not good.

We're all rats in Big Brother's cage. He's watching everyone. The consequences of resisting conformity are not good.

22. Schismatrix – Bruce Sterling
The mechanists and shapers both work to extend life. Many use the technologies of both. Even really old people can be awful.

The mechanists and shapers both work to extend life. Many use the technologies of both. Even really old people can be awful.

23. To All Your Scattered Bodies Go - Philip Jose Farmer
Anyone that ever lived is reincarnated in a nearly never-ending river valley so aliens can learn more about humanity. You'll meet some despicable people in your travels along the valley.

Anyone that ever lived is reincarnated in a nearly never-ending river valley so aliens can learn more about humanity. You'll meet some despicable people in your travels along the valley.

25 Beggars in Spain – Nancy Kress
Some humans evolve to not need sleep. They have a distinct advantage over sleepers. That doesn't explain why the girl on this cover is wearing a nightgown.

Some humans evolve to not need sleep. They have a distinct advantage over sleepers. That doesn't explain why the girl on this cover is wearing a nightgown.

26. Slaughterhouse-Five – Kurt Vonnegut
Each of Vonnegut's books is about his traumatic war experience. This is the best version. So, it goes.

Each of Vonnegut's books is about his traumatic war experience. This is the best version. So, it goes.

27. Dune – Frank Herbert
Easily the best example of sci-fi world building. Herbert built his world to show us how we are destroying our own.

Easily the best example of sci-fi world building. Herbert built his world to show us how we are destroying our own.

28. The Stars my Destination - Alfred Bester
Dude travels through spacetime with his mind. He doesn't have much control over this power.

Dude travels through spacetime with his mind. He doesn't have much control over this power.

29. The Diamond Age – Neal Stephenson
Classism is enforced through education. What would happen if the disenfranchised had access to the same education as the enfranchised?

Classism is enforced through education. What would happen if the disenfranchised had access to the same education as the enfranchised?

30. I Robot – Isaac Asimov
The robot's positronic brain is hard coded to protect humanity, but those rules are sometimes at odds with each other and have some far-reaching ramifications. Should genius-level, benevolent robots make decisions for humanity?

The robot's positronic brain is hard coded to protect humanity, but those rules are sometimes at odds with each other and have some far-reaching ramifications. Should genius-level, benevolent robots make decisions for humanity?

31. Ringworld – Larry Niven
A vanished civilization left a big dumb object for travelers to explore. There isn't much there, but it's really cool.

A vanished civilization left a big dumb object for travelers to explore. There isn't much there, but it's really cool.

32. Cat’s Cradle – Kurt Vonnegut
A scientist creates a compound capable of ruining all the water on earth. Does it get dropped into the ocean? This book is referenced over and over again in literature and film, so you might as well read it.

A scientist creates a compound capable of ruining all the water on earth. Does it get dropped into the ocean? This book is referenced over and over again in literature and film, so you might as well read it.

33. Starship Troopers – Robert Heinlein
A classic novel of military science fiction. Kill or be killed in space.

A classic novel of military science fiction. Kill or be killed in space.

34. Mao II – Don Delillo

35. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea – Jules Verne
Captain Nemo is sick of human society. The ocean is cool though.

Captain Nemo is sick of human society. The ocean is cool though.

36. Octavia Butler - The Parable of the Sower
Is it a superpower to feel what others feel or a handicap?

Is it a superpower to feel what others feel or a handicap?

37. Holy Fire – Bruce Sterling
What is the holy fire? Feeling the near immortality of seeing your progeny alive and well? Undergoing a radical surgery to become young again?

What is the holy fire? Feeling the near immortality of seeing your progeny alive and well? Undergoing a radical surgery to become young again?

38. Cryptonomicon – Neal Stephenson
A math genius breaks the Nazi code.

A math genius breaks the Nazi code.

39. All You Need is Kill – Hiroshi Sakurazaka
A guy is stuck in a day of war. He dies, and dies, and dies, but always improves his skill. Better than the movie Edge of Tomorrow. Though I'm a sucker for a Tom Cruise feature. The movie misses the novel's samurai theme.

A guy is stuck in a day of war. He dies, and dies, and dies, but always improves his skill. Better than the movie Edge of Tomorrow. Though I'm a sucker for a Tom Cruise feature. The movie misses the novel's samurai theme.

40. All Tomorrow’s Parties – William Gibson
The book is better than the Velvet Underground song. I rate this is as Gibson's most fun novel after Neuromancer.

The book is better than the Velvet Underground song. I rate this is as Gibson's most fun novel after Neuromancer.

41. Man Plus – Frederic Pohl
Mars isn't all that hospitable to mankind, but with a little technological adaptation, humans can make it on the red planet. Still, who wants to be a guinea pig?

Mars isn't all that hospitable to mankind, but with a little technological adaptation, humans can make it on the red planet. Still, who wants to be a guinea pig?

42. Sphere - Michael Crichton
Humans find a submerged crashed spaceship. The ship has a gift from an alien race in its vaults. The gift amplifies whatever is going on in the mind's of those that come into contact with it. Humans are paranoid, anxious, and mostly crazy, so things don't end up well.

Humans find a submerged crashed spaceship. The ship has a gift from an alien race in its vaults. The gift amplifies whatever is going on in the mind's of those that come into contact with it. Humans are paranoid, anxious, and mostly crazy, so things don't end up well.

43. End Zone – Don DeLillo
Thermonuclear war is compared to football. And it's DeLillio, so the previous homology is also compared to sex.

Thermonuclear war is compared to football. And it's DeLillio, so the previous homology is also compared to sex.

44. The Road – Cormac McCarthy
A father and his son trek across the a post-apocalyptic version of America. Watch out for cannibals.

A father and his son trek across the a post-apocalyptic version of America. Watch out for cannibals.

45. 2061: Odyssey 3 – Arthur C. Clarke
Dudes are in space. They find a planet with water. So, yeah, the story is kind of forgettable but Clarke is one of science fiction's finest.

Dudes are in space. They find a planet with water. So, yeah, the story is kind of forgettable but Clarke is one of science fiction's finest.

46. Flowers for Algernon – Daniel Keyes
A profoundly dumb man receives experimental therapy that turns him into a supergenius. The therapy only works for a while. After you read this, watch the Always Sunny in Philadelphia episode Flowers for Charlie.

A profoundly dumb man receives experimental therapy that turns him into a supergenius. The therapy only works for a while. After you read this, watch the Always Sunny in Philadelphia episode Flowers for Charlie.

47. Bones of the Earth – Michael Swanwick
Swanwick's response to Jurassic Park. This book is less about the dinosaurs and more about human society. What is the ideal human community? When a group of scientists travel in time to study dinosaurs, they learn more about human society. Bring plenty of prophylactics.

Swanwick's response to Jurassic Park. This book is less about the dinosaurs and more about human society. What is the ideal human community? When a group of scientists travel in time to study dinosaurs, they learn more about human society. Bring plenty of prophylactics.

48. Broken Angels – Richard K. Morgan
More fun than the first Kovacs novel.

More fun than the first Kovacs novel.

49. The World of Null-A – A.E. Van Vogt
The link here goes to my friend Mark's review of the book. He reviewed the hell out of this thing.
Null-A was one of the novels that Philip K. Dick cut his teeth on. Worth it to better understand what came after.

The link here goes to my friend Mark's review of the book. He reviewed the hell out of this thing.
Null-A was one of the novels that Philip K. Dick cut his teeth on. Worth it to better understand what came after.

50. Brave New World – Aldous Huxley
Drugs are awesome and you can have sex with anyone, but babies are made in test tubes. Shakespeare is better.

Drugs are awesome and you can have sex with anyone, but babies are made in test tubes. Shakespeare is better.

51. Slan – A.E. Van Vogt
Pulp sci fi at its finest.

Pulp sci fi at its finest.

52. Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom – Cory Doctorow
The new currency is social currency. While you might be thinking, ok, what's new, this book predates our current runaway era of the social media influencer. And, to a great degree, all currency was always social. Tall and beautiful people are always going to get the job ahead of everyone else. And tall, beautiful people get trusted with things more. They get more opportunities. So, they wind up the people in the place to give others jobs. Are you starting to see how the cycle works?

The new currency is social currency. While you might be thinking, ok, what's new, this book predates our current runaway era of the social media influencer. And, to a great degree, all currency was always social. Tall and beautiful people are always going to get the job ahead of everyone else. And tall, beautiful people get trusted with things more. They get more opportunities. So, they wind up the people in the place to give others jobs. Are you starting to see how the cycle works?

53. Boneshaker - Cherie Priest
Tightly, tightly written story, a page turner from page one until the end. A big swath of Seattle is unlivable because of poison gas dug up from below. But people still live there--yes, cli-fi. A son ventures in to find out the truth about his father. His mother follows to protect him.

Tightly, tightly written story, a page turner from page one until the end. A big swath of Seattle is unlivable because of poison gas dug up from below. But people still live there--yes, cli-fi. A son ventures in to find out the truth about his father. His mother follows to protect him.

54. 2010: Odyssey 2 – Arthur C. Clarke
Clarke had a PhD in astrophysics, and this book works in properties of space travel. They don't find a planet child as the cover might lead you to believe, but the book is a classic.

Clarke had a PhD in astrophysics, and this book works in properties of space travel. They don't find a planet child as the cover might lead you to believe, but the book is a classic.

55. The Merchant’s War – Frederic Pohl & Cyril Kornbluth
Biting satire focused on American capitalism in the '50s. More Pohl and less Kornbluth than The Space Merchants.

Biting satire focused on American capitalism in the '50s. More Pohl and less Kornbluth than The Space Merchants.

56. Jurassic Park – Michael Crichton
Scientists figure out how to reconstruct dinosaurs. They make a park. What could go wrong? I'll tell you this though. If humans ever go extinct, it would be a damned fool that recreated us out of found genetic material.

Scientists figure out how to reconstruct dinosaurs. They make a park. What could go wrong? I'll tell you this though. If humans ever go extinct, it would be a damned fool that recreated us out of found genetic material.

58. The Puppet Masters – Robert Heinlein
The aliens take over. They use humans as hosts. Reads as red scare commentary. (commie-tary?) Heinlein's uber-confident, hypersexual male is once again the hero here. From golden science fiction until Gibson and Sterling upended cyberpunk, science fiction told the tale of men dominating things: planets, galaxies, but mostly women.

The aliens take over. They use humans as hosts. Reads as red scare commentary. (commie-tary?) Heinlein's uber-confident, hypersexual male is once again the hero here. From golden science fiction until Gibson and Sterling upended cyberpunk, science fiction told the tale of men dominating things: planets, galaxies, but mostly women.

59. Ubik – Philip K. Dick
Cryogenics was pretty new at the time. Dick creates a story about the consciousness of those in suspended animation. Confusion and disbelief rule the consciousness of the mind in cryo.

Cryogenics was pretty new at the time. Dick creates a story about the consciousness of those in suspended animation. Confusion and disbelief rule the consciousness of the mind in cryo.

60. Pattern Recognition – William Gibson
Mostly poetic. Important because Gibson wrote it during 9/11. You'll recognize fairly quick that the book doesn't really have any patterns to follow, but Gibson is a genius and the best prose stylist science fiction has ever had. You read Gibson because he surprises you with ideas in passing, not necessarily because he tells a good story. Neuromancer is a good story, a great story, the rest of his books are mostly just a great conflux of thinking.

Mostly poetic. Important because Gibson wrote it during 9/11. You'll recognize fairly quick that the book doesn't really have any patterns to follow, but Gibson is a genius and the best prose stylist science fiction has ever had. You read Gibson because he surprises you with ideas in passing, not necessarily because he tells a good story. Neuromancer is a good story, a great story, the rest of his books are mostly just a great conflux of thinking.

61. Time Out of Joint – Philip K. Dick
"The time is out of joint; O cursed spite!/That ever I was born to set it right!" Shakespeare's Hamlet. But will Dick set this stuff right? You'll have to read it to figure that out because I've honestly forgotten.

"The time is out of joint; O cursed spite!/That ever I was born to set it right!" Shakespeare's Hamlet. But will Dick set this stuff right? You'll have to read it to figure that out because I've honestly forgotten.

62. The Man in the High Castle – Philip K. Dick
The book is better than the television show. Isn't it always? What would American life be like if the Axis powers had prevailed? By the way, not much would have had to change for history to have been dramatically different like this. For more on science fictive histories, read Stephenson's Cryptonomicon.

The book is better than the television show. Isn't it always? What would American life be like if the Axis powers had prevailed? By the way, not much would have had to change for history to have been dramatically different like this. For more on science fictive histories, read Stephenson's Cryptonomicon.
63. The Invisible Man – H.G. Wells
A scientist makes himself invisible. Ironically, as a result he becomes more visible to society.

A scientist makes himself invisible. Ironically, as a result he becomes more visible to society.

64. Starfish – Peter Watts
A badass lady walks across the seafloor.

A badass lady walks across the seafloor.

65. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress – Robert Heinlein
The loonies revolt! Get number three arm and number four wife. Use gravity slingshot to attack Earth to gain freedom!

The loonies revolt! Get number three arm and number four wife. Use gravity slingshot to attack Earth to gain freedom!

66. The Lost World - Michael Crichton
Same story as Jurassic Park, but probably more fun. Crichton never wrote sequels but Spielberg secured a lot of money for the project. You don't turn down Spielberg even though we all wish Ernest Cline had turned him down instead of writing the shit storm that is Ready Player Two. The T-Rex is more of a problem in The Lost World than in J Park.

Same story as Jurassic Park, but probably more fun. Crichton never wrote sequels but Spielberg secured a lot of money for the project. You don't turn down Spielberg even though we all wish Ernest Cline had turned him down instead of writing the shit storm that is Ready Player Two. The T-Rex is more of a problem in The Lost World than in J Park.

67. The Fountains of Paradise – Arthur C. Clarke
The Space elevator book. Clarke was working off of Heinlein's idea that SF should include a cool scientific concept that has ramifications for the way people live. But then humans should experience some conflict as a result of that technology. So, the SF tale shows us not only how science and technology changes but also how humans and human culture changes.

The Space elevator book. Clarke was working off of Heinlein's idea that SF should include a cool scientific concept that has ramifications for the way people live. But then humans should experience some conflict as a result of that technology. So, the SF tale shows us not only how science and technology changes but also how humans and human culture changes.

68. Old Man’s War – John Scalzi
Scalzi's Forever War and it has a space elevator. It's a fun book. I added it here because it allows for ethical considerations of who fights wars.

Scalzi's Forever War and it has a space elevator. It's a fun book. I added it here because it allows for ethical considerations of who fights wars.

69. Red Mars – Kim Stanley Robinson
Another space elevator book. Robinson knows a lot of geology too. The many relationships that come and go in the book function as a meditation on human fidelity to a place. Can we still retain our humanity without Mother Earth? Do we change as a result of our relationship to the worlds we inhabit?

Another space elevator book. Robinson knows a lot of geology too. The many relationships that come and go in the book function as a meditation on human fidelity to a place. Can we still retain our humanity without Mother Earth? Do we change as a result of our relationship to the worlds we inhabit?

70. Frontera – Lewis Shiner
Rudy Rucker recommended this book on a public access TV show back in '80s. I found the clip on YouTube and then loved the book.

Rudy Rucker recommended this book on a public access TV show back in '80s. I found the clip on YouTube and then loved the book.

71. Implied Spaces – Walter Jon Williams
Sword and Singularity. Mixes fantasy with sci-fi. Williams is a wicked storyteller.

Sword and Singularity. Mixes fantasy with sci-fi. Williams is a wicked storyteller.

72. Islands in the Net – Bruce Sterling
A sword that cuts through anything! A balm that can permanently change skin tone! Data havens! High political and economic intrigue! I can't wait for the sequel, Islands in the Crypto.

A sword that cuts through anything! A balm that can permanently change skin tone! Data havens! High political and economic intrigue! I can't wait for the sequel, Islands in the Crypto.

73. The Three Body Problem – Liu Cixin
Honestly, I struggled to finish this book. It has moments of brilliance--probably one amazing novella and a couple great short stories of material in here--but the video game they play is just about the most boring game I've ever heard of, especially for an online multiplayer. I'd much rather play Cardhunter. Some readers have mentioned that the second book in this series is better, but I can't work up the nerve to start. My body had enough problems finishing the first.

Honestly, I struggled to finish this book. It has moments of brilliance--probably one amazing novella and a couple great short stories of material in here--but the video game they play is just about the most boring game I've ever heard of, especially for an online multiplayer. I'd much rather play Cardhunter. Some readers have mentioned that the second book in this series is better, but I can't work up the nerve to start. My body had enough problems finishing the first.

74. The Stepford Wives – Ira Levin
Dudes in a small town kill their wives and replace them with subservient robots. The funny thing is, women of the era were already living as if they were subservient robots. The story highlights the problem.

Dudes in a small town kill their wives and replace them with subservient robots. The funny thing is, women of the era were already living as if they were subservient robots. The story highlights the problem.

75. Escapology – Ren Warom
Gender bender cyberpunk narrative, a book of cyberpunk virtuality that demonstrates there is no divide between the real and the virtual. You'll come for the shark and leave happy.

Gender bender cyberpunk narrative, a book of cyberpunk virtuality that demonstrates there is no divide between the real and the virtual. You'll come for the shark and leave happy.

76. Immortality, Inc. – Robert Sheckley
Berserkers kill civilians randomly because they've bought immortality and are ready to die. Why not, like an Egyptian Pharaoh, take several with you? Berserker!

Berserkers kill civilians randomly because they've bought immortality and are ready to die. Why not, like an Egyptian Pharaoh, take several with you? Berserker!

77. How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe - Charles Yu
Time loops, baseball, and metafiction.

Time loops, baseball, and metafiction.

78. Ready Player One – Ernest Cline
Willy Wonka meets virtuality with '80s nostalgia. Now that the sequel Ready Player Two is a thing, we all know that Ernest Cline fooled us into believing he was an interesting writer by copy and pasting facts from Wikipedia into an Easter egg hunt. I'll probably take this book off the list soon.

Willy Wonka meets virtuality with '80s nostalgia. Now that the sequel Ready Player Two is a thing, we all know that Ernest Cline fooled us into believing he was an interesting writer by copy and pasting facts from Wikipedia into an Easter egg hunt. I'll probably take this book off the list soon.

79. Redshirts – John Scalzi
The redshirts always die. Some redshirts figure this out and start to hide.

The redshirts always die. Some redshirts figure this out and start to hide.

80. Frankenstein – Mary Shelley
The book is often cited as the very first science fiction novel. A creature is animated from the bodies of the dead. It is suprahuman in strength and intellect and it is scorned by its maker. It seeks revenge.

The book is often cited as the very first science fiction novel. A creature is animated from the bodies of the dead. It is suprahuman in strength and intellect and it is scorned by its maker. It seeks revenge.

81. The War of the Worlds – H.G. Wells
The aliens are here and they are walking around in tripods killing everyone. Better be glad you need a flu shot.

The aliens are here and they are walking around in tripods killing everyone. Better be glad you need a flu shot.

82. A Canticle for Leibowitz - Walter Miller
Long, long ago, atomic war kills off most of humanity. But some people remain, including monks that keep stuff they find that wasn't atomized. Leibowitz had a grocery list and now monks treasure it as a holy relic. Unfortunately, they also treasure information that helps future generations rebuild atomic bombs so progress can get arrested again. The book takes us from Leibowitz's fallout shelter to the fall of mankind.

Long, long ago, atomic war kills off most of humanity. But some people remain, including monks that keep stuff they find that wasn't atomized. Leibowitz had a grocery list and now monks treasure it as a holy relic. Unfortunately, they also treasure information that helps future generations rebuild atomic bombs so progress can get arrested again. The book takes us from Leibowitz's fallout shelter to the fall of mankind.

83. Little Brother – Cory Doctorow
Homeland security sucks. It's full of power-happy assholes that don't give a damn about democracy (the part of the Republican party that brought you the Capitol invasion). Some kids with techno know-how get together and resist. Some of the kids also have sex, but that's neither here nor there.

Homeland security sucks. It's full of power-happy assholes that don't give a damn about democracy (the part of the Republican party that brought you the Capitol invasion). Some kids with techno know-how get together and resist. Some of the kids also have sex, but that's neither here nor there.

84. The City and the Stars – Arthur C. Clarke
No one leaves the city until the nude guy in the picture there. He figures out much of the knowledge of his people are based on falsehoods. In the picture, he neither has a hood or pants. I would that he did.

No one leaves the city until the nude guy in the picture there. He figures out much of the knowledge of his people are based on falsehoods. In the picture, he neither has a hood or pants. I would that he did.

85. The Windup Girl - Paolo Bacigalupi
Life sucks in the climate changed future whether you're human or a windup girl.

Life sucks in the climate changed future whether you're human or a windup girl.

86. A Clockwork Orange – Anthony Burgess
Young people go beat up old people for no reason. The state gets revenge. Burgess ruins classical music for all of us. Are we all hyperviolent in our innermost being? Can media save us?

Young people go beat up old people for no reason. The state gets revenge. Burgess ruins classical music for all of us. Are we all hyperviolent in our innermost being? Can media save us?

87. Martian Time-Slip – Philip K. Dick
Affairs happen off-world too. If it happens during the thirty minutes after midnight, did it really happen?

Affairs happen off-world too. If it happens during the thirty minutes after midnight, did it really happen?

88. When Gravity Fails – Alec Effinger
You can mod your personality and perception with a program--moddies and daddies. You can also take lots of drugs. You may or may not escape death when a James Bond modded asshole comes after you.

You can mod your personality and perception with a program--moddies and daddies. You can also take lots of drugs. You may or may not escape death when a James Bond modded asshole comes after you.

89. Valis – Philip K. Dick
Vast Active Living Intelligence System. God is either a Russian-backed conspiracy or a knowable entity. Or wait, maybe both.

Vast Active Living Intelligence System. God is either a Russian-backed conspiracy or a knowable entity. Or wait, maybe both.

90. Revelation Space – Alastair Reynolds
The Nostalgia for Infinity is a lighthugger. It can travel almost at the speed of light. It has a lot of big ass weapons capable of killing semi-sentient robots from far away. The ship is also in a state of decay. Some semi-sentient robots from far, far away destroy sentient life when they find it. They are closing in.

The Nostalgia for Infinity is a lighthugger. It can travel almost at the speed of light. It has a lot of big ass weapons capable of killing semi-sentient robots from far away. The ship is also in a state of decay. Some semi-sentient robots from far, far away destroy sentient life when they find it. They are closing in.
91. Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – Douglas Adams
This is a silly book, but it's fun. I probably should have made this #42 on the list.

This is a silly book, but it's fun. I probably should have made this #42 on the list.

92. Involution Ocean – Bruce Sterling
Sterling's first novel. It's got interspecies love, drugs, and adventure!

Sterling's first novel. It's got interspecies love, drugs, and adventure!

93. Babel 17 – Samuel Delany
Dhalgren is Delany's masterwork, but come on, who of you has actually gotten through Dhalgren, the Gravity's Rainbow of science fiction? Since none of us are probably going to sit down with Dhalgren any time soon, this poetic near novella will have to do.

Dhalgren is Delany's masterwork, but come on, who of you has actually gotten through Dhalgren, the Gravity's Rainbow of science fiction? Since none of us are probably going to sit down with Dhalgren any time soon, this poetic near novella will have to do.

94. Foundation – Isaac Asimov
Some critics maintain this book is about the rise and fall of the Roman empire. My read is that it's about four distinct eras in the life of the US. I'm not always right, but I'm almost never wrong.

Some critics maintain this book is about the rise and fall of the Roman empire. My read is that it's about four distinct eras in the life of the US. I'm not always right, but I'm almost never wrong.

95. I am Legend – Richard Matheson
Nearly everyone has turned into vampires. One guy is still good, but he's losing it. The vampires really hate him.

Nearly everyone has turned into vampires. One guy is still good, but he's losing it. The vampires really hate him.

96. The Glass Hammer – K.W. Jeter
The most popular form of entertainment is a reality TV show in which dudes in fast cars dodge missiles shot from satellites as they run illegal computer parts across a desert.

The most popular form of entertainment is a reality TV show in which dudes in fast cars dodge missiles shot from satellites as they run illegal computer parts across a desert.

97. The Hollow Earth – Rudy Rucker
The earth is hollow and Edgar Allen Poe is the guide. Bonus: the people in the hollow world are not sexist or racist.

The earth is hollow and Edgar Allen Poe is the guide. Bonus: the people in the hollow world are not sexist or racist.

98. Heavy Weather – Bruce Sterling
A better version of Twister. Also, a look at what global warming will do to us.

A better version of Twister. Also, a look at what global warming will do to us.

99. Virtual Light – William Gibson
A corporation plans to rebuild San Francisco using nanotechnology.

A corporation plans to rebuild San Francisco using nanotechnology.

00. Mona Lisa Overdrive – William Gibson
Prostitutes and dudes uploading their consciousness into a cyber hard drive.
Prostitutes and dudes uploading their consciousness into a cyber hard drive.
Can you think of a different book you'd like to see on this list that you'd say earn honors as one of the best sci-fi books?
If you wish to dispute or praise any of the top 100 Sci-Fi Books on this list, please email me at joseph.hurtgen@gmail.com! Make a strong enough argument, and I will (probably) alter the list.
You've got to be ready for more Rapid Transmissions, right? You'd better act now while you're still in control of your consciousness! You never know when the Baron von Harkonnen will emerge!